14 marca 2012

a creation without bottom


What is open, is to be In a non-e
nding action, Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending actionWithout trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending action Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending action,Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,What is open, is to be In a non-e
nding action, Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending actionWithout trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending action Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending action,Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,What is open, is to be In a non-e
nding action, Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending actionWithout trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending action Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,Without profit nor victoryWhat is open, is to be
 In a non-ending action,Without trophy and without glory-
 A creation without bottom,

0 say what?!:

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About Me

Jakub Bors
ur. 1989, Kielce, teraz Kraków.
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Modified by Vin